Aidan Robertson

Contemporary Artist


Aidan Robertson is an artist born in Kirkcaldy and currently living in Dunfermline. He grew up in the small seaside village of Aberdour. He briefly studied architecture in Glasgow before embarking on his artistic journey in Dundee. He studied Fine art at Duncan and Jordanstone College of Art and design. Within his studies he also travelled to Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, learning about the art and culture. Of particular interest was the indigenous populations, and their deep rooted  connection with the surrounding natural landscape. Recently graduating with a first class honours degree, he has recently begun his art practise outside of education, exploring his interests surrounding communication, social integration in urban environments, and technological perspectives of the organic.

Statement of practise: 

Aidan Robertson was raised following the start of the internet age, amongst increasing developments in computation and digital media technologies. Growing up in the countryside, he sees humanity, nature and technology as one interconnected system. The artist explores the subtle, emotive, and organic interactions we experience in our technological, city based lives. He considers electronic communication networks akin to the chemical, such as that within the roots of plant life or animal pheromones. The artist observes our futile attempts at control over nature, and explores how we are currently deeply ingrained in a chaotic, sensory, organically-digital existence; and searching for balance.

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work in progress (2024)